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import surface_nurbs_isoprm as snip
from geomdl import exchange
import os
import cProfile
import pstats
import io
from pstats import SortKey
import subprocess

ex = np.array((1, 0, 0), dtype=np.int32)
ey = np.array((0, 1, 0), dtype=np.int32)
ez = np.array((0, 0, 1), dtype=np.int32)
gauss_pw = [[[-0.577350269189626, 1],\
             [0.577350269189626, 1]],\
                    [[-0.774596669241483, 0.555555555555555],\
                      [0, 0.888888888888888], \
                      [-0.774596669241483, 0.555555555555555]],\
                        [[-0.861136311594053, 0.347854845137454],\
                         [-0.339981043584856, 0.652145154862546],\
                         [0.339981043584856, 0.652145154862546],\
                         [0.861136311594053, 0.347854845137454]],
                    [[-0.906179845938664, 0.236926885056189],\
                        [-0.538469310105683, 0.478628670499366],\
                        [0, 0.568888888888889],\
                        [0.538469310105683, 0.478628670499366],\
                        [0.906179845938664, 0.236926885056189]]] #to be completed

def profile(func):
    '''This function is used for profiling the file.
    A powershell profling and process.profile file'''
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        pr = cProfile.Profile()
        value = func(*args, **kwargs)
        # s = io.StringIO()
        # sortby = SortKey.CUMULATIVE
        # ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)
        # ps.print_stats()
        # print(s.getvalue())
        return value
    return inner

    '''This function gets the data from
    Mathematica provided .dat file. The data is 
    lobatto (lbto) points and weights of numeriucal integration
    a 2D np.array in that first column is the 
    spectral node coordinates and the second column 
    is the ascociated weights
    node_data = np.genfromtxt(data_file_address)
    return node_data
def xi_to_uv(xi1, xi2, node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v):
    '''This function is the mapping form xi1-xi2 which
    are parametric space of SEM to u-v space which are
    parametric space of the IGA
    u and v according to the input xi1 and xi2 and two oppsite
    corners of the rectangle.
    if xi1<-1 and xi1>1 and xi2<-1 and xi2>1:
        raise ValueError('-1<=xi1<=+1, -1<=xi2<=+1 must be followed')
        node_2_u = node_3_u 
        u = 1/2*((1-xi1)*node_1_u + (1+xi1)*node_2_u)
        v = 1/2*((1-xi2)*node_1_v + (1+xi2)*node_3_v)
def coorsys_director(surface, u, v):
    '''According to P430, finite element
    The output coordinate systems are orhtonormal
    ones used to model the rotation of
    the director. It is used to define rotations.
    the first row is the v1 normalized and
    the last row is the director which is already
    if abs(abs(vdir[1])-1) > 0.00001 :
        v1 = (np.cross(ey, vdir))
        v1_unit= v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
        v2_unit = np.cross(vdir, v1_unit)
        if vdir[1] > 0:
            v1_unit = np.array((1, 0, 0))
            v2_unit = np.array((0, 0, -1))
            vdir = np.array((0, 1, 0))
            v1_unit = np.array((1, 0, 0))
            v2_unit = np.array((0, 0, 1))
            vdir = np.array((0, 1, 0))
    # vdir = surface.director(u,v) # Lamina coordinate system
    # surface_der = surface.derivatives(u, v, 1)
    # g1 = np.array(surface_der[1][0])
    # g2 = np.array(surface_der[0][1])
    # g1_unit = g1 / np.linalg.norm(g1)
    # g2_unit = g2 / np.linalg.norm(g2)
    # A_xi1 = (0.5*(g1_unit + g2_unit))/np.linalg.norm(0.5*(g1_unit + g2_unit))
    # v_var_1 = np.cross(vdir, A_xi1)
    # A_xi2 = (v_var_1) / np.linalg.norm(v_var_1)
    # v1_unit = (2**0.5)/2 * (A_xi1 - A_xi2)
    # v2_unit = (2**0.5)/2 * (A_xi1 + A_xi2)
    return np.array([v1_unit, v2_unit, vdir])
    '''Function for generating lagrangian
    1D np.array in that i-th element
    is the value of the i-th lagrangian shape function
    at xi. The number of elements in the array obviousluy is 
    equal to the number of nodes in 1 direction
    if xi<-1 and xi>1:
        raise ValueError('-1<=xi1<=+1, -1<=xi2<=+1 must be followed')
        len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
        # lag_func = np.zeros(len)
        # if xi in lobatto_pw[:,0]:
        #     xi_index = np.where(lobatto_pw[:,0] == xi)
        #     lag_func[xi_index] = 1
        # else:   No impresive increase in speed
        for i in range(len):
            for j in range(len): 
                if j != i:
                    lag_func[i] = lag_func[i] * (xi-lobatto_pw[j, 0]) /\
                        (lobatto_pw[i, 0]-lobatto_pw[j, 0])
def der_lagfunc_dxi(lobatto_pw, xi):
    '''By taking 'ln' functiom from both sides of the definition
    of lagrangina shape functions, the derivatives
    can be calculated. For example:
    however the formulation result in infinity when xi = xj therefore,
    it is modified to:
    dlag-i-dxi = (sigma (j, j!=i,(PI (k, k!=(i and j), (xi-xk))))/PI(j, j!=i, (xi-xj))
    1D np.array in that i-th element
    is the value of the derivatives of i-th lagrangian shape function
    w. r. t. xi at xi . The number of element obviousluy is 
    equal to the number of nodes
        numerator_sigma = 0
        denominator = 1
        for j in range(len):  
                denominator = denominator * (lobatto_pw[i, 0]-lobatto_pw[j, 0])
                numerator_pi = 1
                for k in range(len):
                    if k!=i and k!=j:
                        numerator_pi = numerator_pi * (xi - lobatto_pw[k, 0])
                numerator_sigma = numerator_sigma + numerator_pi
        der_lag_dxi [i] = numerator_sigma / denominator
    return der_lag_dxi
def der_disp_dxi(surface, lobatto_pw, v1_v2_array, lag_xi1, lag_xi2,\
    der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2, t=0):
    '''In this fuctions the derivatives of displacement(ux, uy, uz)
    with respect to natural SEM coordinates are calculated. Each node has
    5 DOFs: ux_k, uy_k, uz_k, alhpha_k and beta_k
    A tuple (der_ux_dxi, der_uy_dxi, der_uz_dxi) in which i-th element 
    is a (3x3(number of SEM nodes^2)) np.array.
    The below equations show how the tuple elements can be used.
    [dux_dxi1, dux_dxi2, dux_dt] = der_ux_dxi .[...ux_k, alpha_k,beta_K...]
    [duy_dxi1, duy_dxi2, duy_dt] = der_uy_dxi .[...uy_k, alpha_k,beta_K...]
    [duz_dxi1, duz_dxi2, duz_dt] = der_uz_dxi .[...uz_k, alpha_k,beta_K...]
    len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    der_ux_dxi = np.zeros((3, 3*len**2))
    der_uy_dxi = np.zeros((3, 3*len**2))
    der_uz_dxi = np.zeros((3, 3*len**2))
    num = 0 
    for i in range(len):
        for j in range(len):
            v1_unit = v1_v2_array[i, j , 0]
            v2_unit = v1_v2_array[i, j , 1]
            # regarding coorsys_director, v1 is always normal to y axis,
            # then the following Eqs. can be simplified, but it is left in 
            # the general form as a different director coordinate system
            # may be used in future.
            der_ux_dxi [:,num:num+3] = [[der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i], \
                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (-v2_unit[0]),\
                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (v1_unit[0])],\
                [lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i],\
                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (-v2_unit[0]),\
                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (v1_unit[0])],\
                [0, lag_xi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * surface.thk/2 * (-v2_unit[0]),\
                    lag_xi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * surface.thk/2 * (v1_unit[0])]]
            der_uy_dxi [:,num:num+3] = [[der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i], \
                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (-v2_unit[1]),\
                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (v1_unit[1])],\
                [lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i], \
                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (-v2_unit[1]),\
                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (v1_unit[1])],\
                [0, lag_xi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * surface.thk/2 * (-v2_unit[1]),\
                    lag_xi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * surface.thk/2 * (v1_unit[1])]]
            der_uz_dxi [:,num:num+3] = [[der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i], \
                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (-v2_unit[2]),\
                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (v1_unit[2])],\
                [lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i], \
                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i]* t/2*surface.thk*(-v2_unit[2]),\
                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * t/2 * surface.thk * (v1_unit[2])],\
                [0, lag_xi1[j] * lag_xi2[i]  *surface.thk/2 * (-v2_unit[2]),\
                    lag_xi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * surface.thk/2 * (v1_unit[2])]]
    return (der_ux_dxi, der_uy_dxi, der_uz_dxi)

def der_disp(surface, lobatto_pw, v1_v2_array, lag_xi1, lag_xi2,\
            der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2, node_1_u, node_1_v,\
    '''In this fuctions the derivatives of displacement in x direction
    ux, in y direction uy and in z direction uz with respect to
    physical coordinates with the help of mapping (jacobian) matrix
    are calculated (according to P439, finite element
    procedures, K. J. Bathe)
    A tuple (der_ux, der_uy, der_uz)in which i-th element
    is a 3x3(number of 2D-SEM nodes).
    [dux_dx, dux_dy, dux_dz] = der_ux .[...ux_k, alpha_k,beta_K...]
    [duy_dx, duy_dy, duy_dz] = der_uy .[...uy_k, alpha_k,beta_K...]
    [duz_dx, duz_dy, duz_dz] = der_uz .[...uz_k, alpha_k,beta_K...]'''
    len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    jac_total = np.zeros((3,3))
    inv_jac_total = np.zeros((3,3))
    der_ux = np.zeros((3, 3*len**2))
    der_uy = np.zeros((3, 3*len**2))
    der_uz = np.zeros((3, 3*len**2))
    jac1 =  np.array([[(node_3_u - node_1_u)/2, 0 , 0],\
                    [0, (node_3_v - node_1_v)/2, 0],[0, 0, 1]]) #From (xi1, xi2) space to (u,v) space  np.identity(3) 
    jac_total = np.matmul(jac1, jac2)
    inv_jac_total = np.linalg.inv(jac_total)
    der_disp_dxi_var = der_disp_dxi(surface, lobatto_pw, v1_v2_array, lag_xi1, lag_xi2,\
    der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2, t)
    der_ux = np.matmul(inv_jac_total, der_disp_dxi_var[0])
    der_uy = np.matmul(inv_jac_total, der_disp_dxi_var[1])
    der_uz = np.matmul(inv_jac_total, der_disp_dxi_var[2])
    return (der_ux, der_uy, der_uz)
def b_matrix(surface, lobatto_pw, v1_v2_array, lag_xi1, lag_xi2,\
            der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2, node_1_u, node_1_v,\
    '''according to P440, finite element
    procedures, K. J. Bathe, B matrix is calculated and
    A 2D numpy array. Its dimension is (6x5(number of nodes))
    as each node has 5 DOFs. Strain vector is assumed as
    der_disp_var = der_disp(surface, lobatto_pw, v1_v2_array, lag_xi1, lag_xi2,\
                           der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2, node_1_u, node_1_v,\
    der_ux_var = der_disp_var[0]
    der_uy_var = der_disp_var[1]
    der_uz_var = der_disp_var[2]
    b_matrix_var = np.array([[der_ux_var[0,0], 0, 0,
                             [0, der_uy_var[1,0], 0,
                              der_uy_var[1,1], der_uy_var[1,2]],
                             [0, 0, der_uz_var[2,0],
                              der_uz_var[2,1], der_uz_var[2,2]],
                             [der_ux_var[1,0], der_uy_var[0,0], 0,
                              der_ux_var[1,1] + der_uy_var[0,1],
                              der_ux_var[1,2] + der_uy_var[0,2]],
                             [0, der_uy_var[2,0], der_uz_var[1,0],
                              der_uy_var[2,1] + der_uz_var[1,1],
                              der_uy_var[2,2] + der_uz_var[1,2]],
                             [der_ux_var[2,0], 0, der_uz_var[0,0], 
                              der_ux_var[2,1] + der_uz_var[0,1],
                              der_ux_var[2,2]+ der_uz_var[0,2]]])
    len_2 = len**2
    while i <= (len_2)-1:
        b_local = np.array([[der_ux_var[0,j], 0, 0,
                              der_ux_var[0,j+1], der_ux_var[0,j+2]],
                             [0, der_uy_var[1,j], 0,
                              der_uy_var[1,j+1], der_uy_var[1,j+2]],
                             [0, 0, der_uz_var[2,j],
                              der_uz_var[2,j+1], der_uz_var[2,j+2]],
                             [der_ux_var[1,j], der_uy_var[0,j], 0,
                              der_ux_var[1,j+1] + der_uy_var[0,j+1],
                              der_ux_var[1,j+2] + der_uy_var[0,j+2]],
                             [0, der_uy_var[2,j], der_uz_var[1,j],
                              der_uy_var[2,j+1] + der_uz_var[1,j+1],
                              der_uy_var[2,j+2] + der_uz_var[1,j+2]],
                             [der_ux_var[2,j], 0, der_uz_var[0,j], 
                              der_ux_var[2,j+1] + der_uz_var[0,j+1],
                              der_ux_var[2,j+2]+ der_uz_var[0,j+2]]])
        b_matrix_var = np.append(b_matrix_var, b_local, axis=1)
        j += 3
        i += 1
def area(surface, lobatto_pw, node_1_u, node_1_v,\
    '''This function is only for the test of the 
    validity of derivatives of mapping and jacobian'''
    det_jac1 =np.linalg.det(np.array([[(node_3_u - node_1_u)/2, 0 , 0],\
                    [0, (node_3_v - node_1_v)/2, 0],[0, 0, 1]]))
    len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    local_area = 0
    i = 0
    j = 0
    for i in range(len):
        u = xi_to_uv(lobatto_pw[i,0], 0, node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)[0]
            v = xi_to_uv( 0, lobatto_pw[j,0], node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)[1]
            second_surf_der = surfs.derivatives(u, v, 2)
            ders = surface.ders_uvt(t, second_surf_der)
            vector_1 = ders[0,:]
            vector_2 = ders[1,:]
            local_area = local_area +\
    return det_jac1 * local_area 
def volum(surface, lobatto_pw, number_gauss_point, node_1_u, node_1_v,\
                    node_3_u, node_3_v):
    '''This function is only for the test of the 
    validity of derivatives of mapping and jacobian'''
    det_jac1 =np.linalg.det(np.array([[(node_3_u - node_1_u)/2, 0 , 0],\
                    [0, (node_3_v - node_1_v)/2, 0],[0, 0, 1]]))
    len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    gauss_pw_nparray = np.array(gauss_pw[number_gauss_point-2])
    len_gauss = gauss_pw_nparray.shape[0]
    # i = 0
    # j = 0
    # k = 0
    vol = 0
    for i in range(len):
        xi2 = lobatto_pw[i, 0]
        w2 = lobatto_pw[i, 1]
        v = xi_to_uv(0, lobatto_pw[i,0], node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)[1]
        # print('v is: ',v)
        for j in range(len):
            xi1 = lobatto_pw[j, 0]
            w1 = lobatto_pw[j, 1]
            u = xi_to_uv(lobatto_pw[j,0], 0, node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)[0]
            # print('u is: ', u)
            second_surf_der = surfs.derivatives(u, v, 2)
            for k in range(len_gauss):
                t = gauss_pw_nparray[k, 0]
                w3 =gauss_pw_nparray[k, 1]
                jac2 = surface.ders_uvt(t, second_surf_der)
                vol = vol + np.linalg.det(jac2)* det_jac1 * w1 * w2 *w3                    
    return vol 

def physical_crd_xi(surface, xi1, xi2, node_1_u, node_1_v,\
                    node_3_u, node_3_v, t=0):
    u = xi_to_uv(xi1, xi2, node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)[0]
    v =  xi_to_uv(xi1, xi2, node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)[1]
    physical_coor_var = surface.physical_crd(u, v, t)
    x = physical_coor_var[0]
    y = physical_coor_var[1]
    z = physical_coor_var[2]
    # x = surface.physical_crd(u, v, t)[0]
    # y = surface.physical_crd(u, v, t)[1]
    # z = surface.physical_crd(u, v, t)[2]
def coorsys_material(surface, u, v):
    '''According to P438, finite element
    procedures, K. J. Bathe Fig. 5.33, an orthonormal coordinate
    system, in which the plane stress assumption is valid,
    is generated in this function.
    2D (3X3) np.array in that:
    the first row is r_hat_unit normalized and
    the last row is director which is already
    surface_der_first = surface.derivatives(u, v, order=1)
    g2 = np.array(surface_der_first[0][1])
    vdir = surface.director(u,v)
    var_1 = np.cross(g2, vdir)
    r_hat_unit = var_1 / np.linalg.norm(var_1)
    var_2 = np.cross(vdir, r_hat_unit)
    s_hat_unit = var_2 / np.linalg.norm(var_2)
    return np.array([r_hat_unit, s_hat_unit, vdir])
def mat_transform_matrix(surface, u, v):
    '''According to P441, finite element
    procedures, K. J. Bathe, a transformation matrix
    named in the book as Qsh is generated in this function.
    2D (6X6) np.array
    material_coorsys_vectors = coorsys_material(surface, u, v)
    r_hat_unit = material_coorsys_vectors[0]
    s_hat_unit = material_coorsys_vectors[1]
    vdir = material_coorsys_vectors[2]
    k_1 = np.inner(ex, r_hat_unit) # as both are unit vectors, this is similarity cosine
    k_2 = np.inner(ex, s_hat_unit)
    k_3 = np.inner(ex, vdir)
    m_1 = np.inner(ey, r_hat_unit)
    m_2 = np.inner(ey, s_hat_unit)
    m_3 = np.inner(ey, vdir)
    n_1 = np.inner(ez, r_hat_unit)
    n_2 = np.inner(ez, s_hat_unit)    
    n_3 = np.inner(ez, vdir)
    trans_matrix = np.array(((k_1**2, m_1**2, n_1**2, k_1*m_1, m_1*n_1, k_1*n_1),\
                    (k_2**2, m_2**2, n_2**2, k_2*m_2, m_2*n_2, k_2*n_2),\
                    (k_3**2, m_3**2, n_3**2, k_3*m_3, m_3*n_3, k_3*n_3),
                    (2*k_1*k_2, 2*m_1*m_2, 2*n_1*n_2, k_1*m_2 + k_2*m_1,\
                        m_1*n_2 + m_2*n_1, k_1*n_2 + k_2*n_1),\
                    (2*k_2*k_3, 2*m_2*m_3, 2*n_2*n_3, k_2*m_3 + k_3*m_2,\
                        m_2*n_3 + m_3*n_2, k_2*n_3 + k_3*n_2),\
                    (2*k_1*k_3, 2*m_1*m_3, 2*n_1*n_3, k_1*m_3 + k_3*m_1,\
                        m_1*n_3 + m_3*n_1, k_1*n_3 + k_3*n_1)))
    return trans_matrix
def element_stiffness_matrix(surface, lobatto_pw, node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u,\
                            node_3_v, elastic_modulus=3*(10**6), \
                                nu=0.3, number_gauss_point=2):
    '''stiffness matrix and numerical integration
    Element stiffness matrix
    jac1 = np.array(np.array([[(node_3_u - node_1_u)/2, 0 , 0],\
                    [0, (node_3_v - node_1_v)/2, 0],[0, 0, 1]])) #np.identity(3) 
    gauss_pw_nparray = np.array(gauss_pw[number_gauss_point-2])
    len_gauss = gauss_pw_nparray.shape[0]
    elastic_matrix_planestress = elastic_modulus/(1-nu**2)*\
            np.array([[1, nu, 0, 0, 0, 0],[nu, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],\
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, (1-nu)/2, 0, 0],
               [0, 0, 0, 0, 5/6*(1-nu)/2, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5/6*(1-nu)/2]])
    v1_v2_at_lobatto_points = np.zeros((len, len, 2, 3))    
    for i in range(len):
        for j in range(len):
            uv_var = xi_to_uv(lobatto_pw[j,0], lobatto_pw[i,0], node_1_u,\
                            node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)
            v1_v2_at_lobatto_points[i, j , 0] = \
                coorsys_director(surface, uv_var[0], uv_var[1])[0]
            v1_v2_at_lobatto_points[i, j , 1] = \
                coorsys_director(surface, uv_var[0], uv_var[1])[1]
    stiff_mtx = np.zeros((5*len**2, 5*len**2)) # 5 DOF at each node
    # with open ('jac_semn.dat', 'a') as jac_file:
    #                 np.savetxt(jac_file, (node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u,\
    #                         node_3_v))
                    # jac_file.write("\n")
    # with open("b_semn.dat", 'w') as b_file:
    #     pass
    # with open ('qsh_semn.dat', 'w') as qsh_file:
    #     pass
    # with open("kwojac_semn.dat", 'w') as k_file:
    #     pass
    # with open("director_unit_semn.dat", 'w') as du:
    #     pass
    # with open("k_semn.dat", 'w') as k_file:
    #     pass
    # with open("jac_semn.dat", 'w') as jac_file:
    #     pass
    surface_isoprm = snip.SurfaceGeneratedSEM(surface, lobatto_pw, node_1_u,\
                  node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)
    # coorsys_tanvec_mtx = surface_isoprm.coorsys_director_tanvec_allnodes() 
        xi2 = lobatto_pw[i, 0]
        w2 = lobatto_pw[i, 1]
        lag_xi2 = lagfunc(lobatto_pw, xi2)
        der_lag_dxi2 = der_lagfunc_dxi(lobatto_pw, xi2)
        # xi1 = lobatto_pw[i, 0]
        # w1 = lobatto_pw[i, 1]
            xi1 = lobatto_pw[j, 0]
            w1 = lobatto_pw[j, 1]
            # xi2 = lobatto_pw[j, 0]
            # w2 = lobatto_pw[j, 1]
            uv_var = xi_to_uv(lobatto_pw[j,0], lobatto_pw[i,0], node_1_u,\
                            node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)
            qsh = mat_transform_matrix(surface, uv_var[0], uv_var[1])
            # with open ('qsh_semn.dat', 'a') as qsh_file:
            #         np.savetxt(qsh_file, qsh)
            elastic_matrix = np.transpose(qsh).\
            lag_xi1 = lagfunc(lobatto_pw, xi1)
            # lag_xi2 = lagfunc(lobatto_pw, xi2)
            der_lag_dxi1 = der_lagfunc_dxi(lobatto_pw, xi1)
            # der_lag_dxi2 = der_lagfunc_dxi(lobatto_pw, xi2)
            second_surf_der = surface.derivatives(uv_var[0], uv_var[1], order=2)  
            crv_content = surface.curvature_mtx(second_surf_der)
            gauss_crv = crv_content
            with open ('gauss_crv_semn.dat', 'a') as g_file:
                    np.savetxt(g_file,  [gauss_crv])
                    # g_file.write("\n") 
                t = gauss_pw_nparray[k, 0]
                w3 =gauss_pw_nparray[k, 1]
                jac2 = surface.ders_uvt(t, second_surf_der)   #np.identity(3)
                # jac2 = surface.jacobian_semi(coorsys_tanvec_mtx, lobatto_pw, i, j, \
                #       t, second_surf_der, lag_xi1, lag_xi2, der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2) 
                with open ('jac_semn.dat', 'a') as jac_file:
                    np.savetxt(jac_file,  [np.linalg.det(jac1)*np.linalg.det(jac2)])
                b = b_matrix(surface, lobatto_pw, v1_v2_at_lobatto_points,\
                            der_lag_dxi2, node_1_u, node_1_v,\
                # if i == 2 and j == 1:#UV
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 45])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 46])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 47])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 48])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 49])
                #     print(f"ey[{i}, {j}]= ", b[1, 45])
                # if i == 1 and j == 2:#UV changed
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 30])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 31])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 32])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 33])
                #     print(f"[{i}, {j}]= ", b[0, 34])
                #     print(f"ey[{i}, {j}]= ", b[1, 31])
                # btr_d_b = np.transpose(b).dot(elastic_matrix).dot(b)
                btr_d_b = np.transpose(b) @ elastic_matrix @ b
                # with open ('b_semn.dat', 'a') as b_file:
                #     np.savetxt(b_file, btr_d_b)
                stiff_mtx = stiff_mtx + np.linalg.det(jac1)*np.linalg.det(jac2)\
    # with open ('kwojac_semn.dat', 'a') as k_file:
    #                 np.savetxt(k_file, stiff_mtx)
    # with open ('k_semn.dat', 'a') as k_file:
    #                 np.savetxt(k_file, stiff_mtx)
    return stiff_mtx
def check_symmetric(a, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-05):
    return np.allclose(a, a.T, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

    # bc_h_bott = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1] #cantilever means clamped DOF
    # bc_h_top = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # bc_v_left = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
    # bc_v_right = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
    # bc_h_bott = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] #cantilever quarter means clamped DOF
    # bc_h_top = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # bc_v_left = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    # bc_v_right = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    bc_h_bott = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1] #pinched shell. zero means clamped DOF
    bc_h_top = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]
    bc_v_left = [1, 1, 0, 1, 0] #xi1 = 1, director direction is inwards
    bc_v_right = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0]
    # bc_h_bott = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #Total clamped. zero means clamped DOF
    # bc_h_top = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # bc_v_left = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # bc_v_right = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # bc_h_bott = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Finding stiffness zero means clamped DOF
    # bc_h_top = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    # bc_v_left = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
    # bc_v_right = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    bc_line_h_bott = np.zeros(5*len) #bottom horizontal line
    bc_line_h_top = np.zeros(5*len) #top horizontal line
    bc_line_v_left = np.zeros(5*(len - 2))
    bc_line_v_right = np.zeros(5*(len - 2))
    i = 1
    c_node = len * (len-1)
    while i <= len:
        bc_line_h_bott[5*i - 5] = (1 - bc_h_bott[0]) * (5*i-4)
        bc_line_h_bott[5*i - 4] = (1 - bc_h_bott[1]) * (5*i-3)
        bc_line_h_bott[5*i - 3] = (1 - bc_h_bott[2]) * (5*i-2)
        bc_line_h_bott[5*i - 2] = (1 - bc_h_bott[3]) * (5*i-1)
        bc_line_h_bott[5*i - 1] = (1 - bc_h_bott[4]) * (5*i)
        bc_line_h_top[5*i - 5] = (1 - bc_h_top[0]) * (5*(c_node + i) - 4)
        bc_line_h_top[5*i - 4] = (1 - bc_h_top[1]) * (5*(c_node + i) - 3)
        bc_line_h_top[5*i - 3] = (1 - bc_h_top[2]) * (5*(c_node + i) - 2)
        bc_line_h_top[5*i - 2] = (1 - bc_h_top[3]) * (5*(c_node + i) - 1)
        bc_line_h_top[5*i - 1] = (1 - bc_h_top[4]) * (5*(c_node + i))
        i += 1
    i = 1
    while i <= len-2:
        bc_line_v_left[5*i - 5] = (1 - bc_v_left[0]) * (5*(i*len + 1) - 4)
        bc_line_v_left[5*i - 4] = (1 - bc_v_left[1]) * (5*(i*len + 1) - 3)
        bc_line_v_left[5*i - 3] = (1 - bc_v_left[2]) * (5*(i*len + 1) - 2)
        bc_line_v_left[5*i - 2] = (1 - bc_v_left[3]) * (5*(i*len + 1) - 1)
        bc_line_v_left[5*i - 1] = (1 - bc_v_left[4]) * (5*(i*len + 1))

        bc_line_v_right[5*i - 5] = (1 - bc_v_right[0]) * (5*(i*len + len) - 4)
        bc_line_v_right[5*i - 4] = (1 - bc_v_right[1]) * (5*(i*len + len) - 3)
        bc_line_v_right[5*i - 3] = (1 - bc_v_right[2]) * (5*(i*len + len) - 2)
        bc_line_v_right[5*i - 2] = (1 - bc_v_right[3]) * (5*(i*len + len) - 1)
        bc_line_v_right[5*i - 1] = (1 - bc_v_right[4]) * (5*(i*len + len))
        i += 1
    bc_1 = np.concatenate((bc_line_h_bott, bc_line_h_top, bc_line_v_left,\
    '''Only for pinched shell'''
    node_3_number = (len-1)*len + 1 #xi1 = -1, xi2 = 1
    node_4_number = node_3_number + len - 1  #xi1 = 1, xi2 = 1
    bc_node_1 = np.array([0, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    bc_node_2 = np.array([5*len-4, 5*len-3, 0, 5*len-1, 5*len])
    bc_node_3 = np.array([5*node_3_number-4, 0, 5*node_3_number-2, 0, 5*node_3_number])
    bc_node_4 = np.array([5*node_4_number-4, 0, 5*node_4_number-2, 0, 5*node_4_number])
    for i in range(5):
        bc_1[i] = bc_node_1[i]
        bc_1[5*len - 5 + i] = bc_node_2[i]
        bc_1[5*(len + 1) - 5 + i] = bc_node_3[i]
        bc_1[5*(len + 1 + len - 1) - 5  + i] = bc_node_4[i]
    bc_2 = np.sort(np.delete(bc_1, np.where(bc_1 == 0))) - 1 # in python arrays start from zero
    return (bc_2.astype(int))
def stiffness_matrix_bc_applied(stiff_mtx, bc):
    stiff = np.delete(np.delete(stiff_mtx, bc, 0), bc, 1)
    return stiff
        ############## Visualization
    # surf_cont = multi.SurfaceContainer(data)
    # surf_cont.sample_size = 30
    # surf_cont.vis = vis.VisSurface(ctrlpts=False, trims=False)
    # surf_cont.render()

    ########################## TESTs
    # Test for area and mapping matrix
    data = exchange.import_json("double-curved-free-form_5B.json") # curved_beam_lineload_2_kninsertion curved_beam_lineload_2 pinched_shell_kninsertion_changedeg.json pinched_shell.json rectangle_cantilever square square_kninsertion generic_shell_kninsertion foursided_curved_kninsertion foursided_curved_kninsertion2  rectangle_kninsertion
    thk = 0.5
    surfs = sgs.SurfaceGeo(data, 0, thk)
    lobatto_pw_all =lbto_pw("node_weight_all.dat")
    if i_main == 1:
        lobatto_pw = lobatto_pw_all[1:3,:]
        index = np.argwhere(lobatto_pw_all==i_main)
        lobatto_pw = lobatto_pw_all[index[0, 0] + 1:\
                            index[0, 0] + (i_main+1) +1, :]
    dim = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    # jac_lobatto_node = np.zeros((dim, dim, 3, 3))
    node_1_u = 0
    node_1_v = 0
    node_3_u = 1
    node_3_v = 1
    t = 1
    second_surf_der = surfs.derivatives(0.5, 0.5, order=2) 
    # print(second_surf_der)\
    print('g1 = ', second_surf_der[1][0])
    print('\ng2 = ', second_surf_der[0][1],'\n\n')
    print('d2phi/du^2 = ', second_surf_der[2][0])
    print('\nd2phi/duv = ', second_surf_der[1][1])
    print('\nd2phi/dv^2 = ', second_surf_der[0][2])
    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            uv_var = xi_to_uv(lobatto_pw[j,0], lobatto_pw[i,0], node_1_u,\
                            node_1_v, node_3_u, node_3_v)
            second_surf_der = surfs.derivatives(uv_var[0], uv_var[1], order=2) 
            g1 = np.array(second_surf_der[1][0])
            g2 = np.array(second_surf_der[0][1])
            dg1_du = np.array((second_surf_der[2][0][0],\
                     second_surf_der[2][0][1], second_surf_der[2][0][2]))
            dg1_dv = np.array((second_surf_der[1][1][0],\
                     second_surf_der[1][1][1], second_surf_der[1][1][2]))
            dg2_dv = np.array((second_surf_der[0][2][0], \
                     second_surf_der[0][2][1], second_surf_der[0][2][2]))
            dg2_du = dg1_dv
            vdir_notunit = np.cross(g1, g2)

            dvdir_notunit_du = np.cross(dg1_du, g2) + np.cross(g1, dg2_du)
            norm_vdir_notunit = np.linalg.norm(vdir_notunit)
            part_1 = np.array([[dg1_du[0], g2[0], vdir_notunit[0]],
                               [dg1_du[1], g2[1], vdir_notunit[1]],
                               [dg1_du[2], g2[2], vdir_notunit[2]]])
            part_2 = np.array([[g1[0], dg2_du[0], vdir_notunit[0]],
                               [g1[1], dg2_du[1], vdir_notunit[1]],
                               [g1[2], dg2_du[2], vdir_notunit[2]]])
            part_3 = np.array([[g1[0], g2[0], dvdir_notunit_du[0]],
                               [g1[1], g2[1], dvdir_notunit_du[1]],
                               [g1[2], g2[2], dvdir_notunit_du[2]]])
            dnorm_dvdir_notunit_du = (np.linalg.det(part_1) +\
                                      np.linalg.det(part_2) +\
            dvdir_unit_du = (dvdir_notunit_du*norm_vdir_notunit -\
            dvdir_notunit_dv = np.cross(dg1_dv, g2) + np.cross(g1, dg2_dv)
            part_1 = np.array([[dg1_dv[0], g2[0], vdir_notunit[0]],
                               [dg1_dv[1], g2[1], vdir_notunit[1]],
                               [dg1_dv[2], g2[2], vdir_notunit[2]]])
            part_2 = np.array([[g1[0], dg2_dv[0], vdir_notunit[0]],
                               [g1[1], dg2_dv[1], vdir_notunit[1]],
                               [g1[2], dg2_dv[2], vdir_notunit[2]]])
            part_3 = np.array([[g1[0], g2[0], dvdir_notunit_dv[0]],
                               [g1[1], g2[1], dvdir_notunit_dv[1]],
                               [g1[2], g2[2], dvdir_notunit_dv[2]]])
            dnorm_dvdir_notunit_dv = (np.linalg.det(part_1) +\
                                      np.linalg.det(part_2) +\
            dvdir_unit_dv = (dvdir_notunit_dv*norm_vdir_notunit -\
                             vdir_notunit*dnorm_dvdir_notunit_dv)/ norm_vdir_notunit**2
            vdir_unit = vdir_notunit / np.linalg.norm(vdir_notunit) 
            # dx_du = g1[0] + t/2 * thk * dvdir_unit_du[0]
            # dy_du = g1[1] + t/2 * thk * dvdir_unit_du[1]
            # dz_du = g1[2] + t/2 * thk * dvdir_unit_du[2]
            # dx_dv = g2[0] + t/2 * thk * dvdir_unit_dv[0]
            # dy_dv = g2[1] + t/2 * thk * dvdir_unit_dv[1]
            # dz_dv = g2[2] + t/2 * thk * dvdir_unit_dv[2]
            # dx_dt = 1/2 * thk * vdir_unit[0]
            # dy_dt = 1/2 * thk * vdir_unit[1]
            # dz_dt = 1/2 * thk * vdir_unit[2]
            dx_du =  dvdir_unit_du[0]
            dy_du =  dvdir_unit_du[1]
            dz_du =  dvdir_unit_du[2]
            dx_dv =  dvdir_unit_dv[0]
            dy_dv =  dvdir_unit_dv[1]
            dz_dv =  dvdir_unit_dv[2]
            dx_dt =  vdir_unit[0]
            dy_dt =  vdir_unit[1]
            dz_dt =  vdir_unit[2]
            ders = np.array(((dx_du, dy_du, dz_du),(dx_dv, dy_dv, dz_dv),\
               (dx_dt, dy_dt, dz_dt)))
            # jac_lobatto_node[i, j, : , : ] = ders
            jac1 =np.array(np.array([[1/2, 0 , 0],\
                    [0, 1/2, 0],[0, 0, 1]]))
            ders_total = jac1 @ ders
            with open ('jacobian.dat', 'a') as jac_file:
                np.savetxt(jac_file, ders_total)

    #Test for lag_func
    # lobatto_pw = lbto_pw("node_weight.dat")
    # lag = lagfunc(lobatto_pw, -0.8)
    # tt =2
    # Test for coorsys_material
    # coor = coorsys_material(surfs, 0.5, -0.3) #only the dimensions approved
    # print(coor, '\n')
    # Test for lag_func
    lobatto_pw = lbto_pw("node_weight.dat")
    der_lag =  der_lagfunc_dxi(lobatto_pw, -1 )

    #Test for coorsys_material
    # coor = mat_transform_matrix(surfs, 0.5, -0.2)
    # print(coor, '\n')

    # print("area is :", area1)
    # print(physical_crd_xi(surfs, 1, 1))
    # print(physical_crd_xi(surfs, -1, 1))
    # print(physical_crd_xi(surfs, -1, -1))
    # print(physical_crd_xi(surfs, 1, -1))

    # Test for tangent and director vector
    # len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    # for i in range(len):
    #     for j in range(len):
    #         xi1 = lobatto_pw[j, 0]
    #         xi2 = lobatto_pw[i, 0]
    #         xyz = physical_crd_xi(surfs, xi1, xi2)
    #         vectors = coorsys_material(surfs, xi1, xi2)
    #         print('x, y, z= ', xyz)
    #         print('vectors =  ', vectors, '\n')

    #Test for xi_to_uv
    # print(xi_to_uv(-1, 0.5, 0, 0, 5, 5))
    # data = exchange.import_json("sphere_clean_notrim.json") #  pinched_shell.json rectangle_cantilever square square_kninsertion generic_shell_kninsertion foursided_curved_kninsertion foursided_curved_kninsertion2  rectangle_kninsertion
    # surfs = sgs.SurfaceGeo(data, 0, 3)
    # a0 = coorsys_director(surfs, 0.0 , 0.0)
    # a1 = coorsys_director(surfs, 1.0 , 0.0)
    # a2 = coorsys_director(surfs, 1.0 , 1.0)
    # a3 = coorsys_director(surfs, 0.0 , 1.0)
    # print(a0, '\n', a1,  '\n', a2,  '\n',a3)
    # lobatto_pw = lbto_pw("node_weight.dat")
    # print(area(surfs, lobatto_pw, 0, 0,\
    #                1, 1))
    # node_1_u = 0
    # node_1_v = 0
    # node_3_u = 1
    # node_3_v = 1
    # time1 = time.time()
    # stiff = element_stiffness_matrix(surfs, lobatto_pw, node_1_u, node_1_v, node_3_u,\
    #                         node_3_v)
    # bc = boundary_condition(lobatto_pw)
    # print(bc)
    # stiff_bc = stiffness_matrix_bc_applied(stiff, bc)

    # # len = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    # # print('number of nodes:',len,'\n')
    # load = np.zeros(np.shape(stiff)[0])
    # p =1000
    # # # # load[5*int((len-1)/2) + 3 - 1] = p #for cantilever
    # # # load[8:(5*int((len))-1 - 1):5] = p #for cantilever subjected to moment at free end
    # # # load[3] = p/2                      #for cantilever subjected to moment at free end
    # # # load[(5*int((len))-1 - 1)] =p/2    #for cantilever subjected to moment at free end
    # # # # load[5*int((len-1)/2*len+(len-1)/2) + 3 - 1] = 1
    # load[0] = p #for pinched
    # load = np.delete(load, bc, 0)
    # d = np.linalg.solve(stiff_bc, load)
    # # # print(d)
    # # # print("displacement:", d[int(3*(len-1)/2)+1-1], '\n')    #for cantilever subjected to moment at free end
    # # time2 = time.time()
    # # print( "time is:",time2-time1, '\n')
    # print("displacement:", d[np.where(load==p)[0][0]], '\n')
    # print(f'condition number of the stiffness matrix :  {np.linalg.cond(stiff_bc)}\n')
# # print("determinant of stiff matrix is", np.linalg.det(stiff_bc))
    #"C:\\Users\\azizi\Desktop\\DFG_Python\\.P394\\Scripts\\snakeviz.exe process.profile ", \
    #               shell=False)
    # "editor.hover.enabled": false,
    # "editor.hover.sticky": false,
    # "editor.hover.above": false,
    # "editor.parameterHints.enabled": false,
    # "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true,