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import surface_geom_SEM as sgs
import element_stiff_matrix as esm
import numpy as  np
from geomdl import exchange

ex = np.array((1, 0, 0), dtype=np.int32)
ey = np.array((0, 1, 0), dtype=np.int32)
ez = np.array((0, 0, 1), dtype=np.int32)       

class SurfaceGeneratedSEM(object):
    def __init__(self, nurbs_parent_surface, lobatto_pw, node_1_ub,\
                  node_1_vb, node_3_ub, node_3_vb):
        self.parent_nurbs_surf = nurbs_parent_surface
        self.lobatto_pw = lobatto_pw
        self.node_1_u = node_1_ub
        self.node_1_v = node_1_vb
        self.node_3_u = node_3_ub
        self.node_3_v = node_3_vb
        self.thk = nurbs_parent_surface.thk 
    #     The more Pythonic way to deal with attributes is using decorators.
    #     However, as I won't change the attributes outside of the class I 
    #     do not use it to make the class simpler.
    #     self._parent_nurbs_surf = nurbs_surface
    #     self._lobatto_pw = lobatto_pw
    #     self._node_1_u = node_1_ub
    #     self._node_1_v = node_1_vb
    #     self._node_3_u = node_3_ub
    #     self._node_3_v = node_3_vb
    # @property
    # def parent_nurbs_surf(self):
    #     return  self._parent_nurbs_surf 
    # @property
    # def lobatto_pw(self):
    #     return self._lobatto_pw
    # @property
    # def node_1_u(self):
    #     return self._node_1_u
    # @property
    # def node_1_v(self):
    #     return self._node_1_v
    # @property
    # def node_3_u(self):
    #     return self._node_3_u
    # @property
    # def node_3_v(self):
    #     return self._node_3_v
    # @parent_nurbs_surf.setter
    # def parent_nurbs_surf(self, value):
    #     self._parent_nurbs_surf = value
    # @node_1_u.setter
    # def node_1_u(self, value):
    #     self._node_1_u = value
    # @node_1_v.setter
    # def node_1_v(self, value):
    #     self._node_1_v = value   
    # @node_3_u.setter
    # def node_3_u(self, value):
    #     self._node_3_u = value
    # @node_3_v.setter
    # def node_3_v(self, value):
    #     self._node_3_v = value
    def nodes_physical_coordinate(self):
        '''This function generate the physical coordinate of the 
        lobatto points.
        A nxnx3 numpy array, in that n is the number of lobatto points
        dim = self.lobatto_pw.shape[0]
        nodes_coor_mtx = np.zeros((dim, dim, 3))
        for i in range(dim):
            xi2 = self.lobatto_pw[i, 0]
            for j in range(dim):
                xi1 = self.lobatto_pw[j, 0]
                physical_coor_local = esm.physical_crd_xi(self.parent_nurbs_surf,\
                    xi1, xi2, self.node_1_u, self.node_1_v,\
                        self.node_3_u, self.node_3_v)
                nodes_coor_mtx[i, j, 0] = physical_coor_local[0]
                nodes_coor_mtx[i, j, 1] = physical_coor_local[1]
                nodes_coor_mtx[i, j, 2] = physical_coor_local[2]         
        return nodes_coor_mtx
    # def coorsys_director_tanvec(self, nodes_physical_coor, \
    #         lag_xi1, lag_xi2, der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2):
    #     '''
    #     In this method, the nodal coordinate system at each node
    #     specified by the Lagrangina functions at that point is calculated.
    #     -Output:
    #     A 5x3 np.array cotains the coordinate system and tangent vectors. 
    #     '''
    #     dim = self.lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    #     g1 = np.zeros(3)
    #     g2 = np.zeros(3)
    #     # lag_xi1 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
    #     # lag_xi2 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
    #     # der_lag_dxi1 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
    #     # der_lag_dxi2 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
    #     for i in range(dim):
    #         for j in range(dim):
    #             g1 = g1 + np.array([der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 0],\
    #                 der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 1],\
    #                     der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 2]])
    #             g2 = g2 + np.array([lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 0],\
    #                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 1],\
    #                lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 2]])
    #     vdir_not_unit = np.cross(g1, g2)
    #     vdir_unit = vdir_not_unit / np.linalg.norm(vdir_not_unit)
    #     if abs(abs(vdir_unit[1])-1) > 0.00001 :
    #         v1 = (np.cross(ey, vdir_unit))
    #         v1_unit= v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
    #         v2_unit = np.cross(vdir_unit, v1_unit)
    #     else:
    #         if vdir_unit[1] > 0:
    #             v1_unit = np.array((1, 0, 0))
    #             v2_unit = np.array((0, 0, -1))
    #             vdir_unit = np.array((0, 1, 0))
    #         else:
    #             v1_unit = np.array((1, 0, 0))
    #             v2_unit = np.array((0, 0, 1))
    #             vdir_unit = np.array((0, 1, 0))
    #     return np.array([v1_unit, v2_unit, vdir_unit, g1, g2])
    def coorsys_director_tanvec_allnodes(self):
        In this method, the nodal coordinate system at each node
        specified by the Lagrangina functions at that point is calculated.
        A nxnx5x3 np.array cotains the coordinate system and tangent vectors. 
        nodes_physical_coor = self.nodes_physical_coordinate()
        dim = self.lobatto_pw.shape[0]
        coor_tan_mtx = np.zeros((dim, dim, 5, 3))
        # lag_xi1 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
        # lag_xi2 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
        # der_lag_dxi1 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
        # der_lag_dxi2 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
        for i_main in range(dim):
            xi2 = self.lobatto_pw[i_main, 0]
            lag_xi2 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
            der_lag_dxi2 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
            for j_main in range(dim):
                xi1 = self.lobatto_pw[j_main, 0]
                lag_xi1 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                der_lag_dxi1 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                g1 = np.zeros(3)
                g2 = np.zeros(3)
                for i in range(dim):
                    for j in range(dim):
                        g1 = g1 + np.array([der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 0],\
                            der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 1],\
                                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 2]])
                        g2 = g2 + np.array([lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 0],\
                        lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 1],\
                        lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * nodes_physical_coor[i, j, 2]])
                vdir_not_unit = np.cross(g1, g2)
                vdir_unit = vdir_not_unit / np.linalg.norm(vdir_not_unit)
                if abs(abs(vdir_unit[1])-1) > 0.00001 :
                    v1 = (np.cross(ey, vdir_unit))
                    v1_unit= v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
                    v2_unit = np.cross(vdir_unit, v1_unit)
                    if vdir_unit[1] > 0:
                        v1_unit = np.array((1, 0, 0))
                        v2_unit = np.array((0, 0, -1))
                        vdir_unit = np.array((0, 1, 0))
                        v1_unit = np.array((1, 0, 0))
                        v2_unit = np.array((0, 0, 1))
                        vdir_unit = np.array((0, 1, 0))
                coor_tan_mtx[i_main, j_main, 0] = v1_unit
                coor_tan_mtx[i_main, j_main, 1] = v2_unit
                coor_tan_mtx[i_main, j_main, 2] = vdir_unit
                coor_tan_mtx[i_main, j_main, 3] = g1
                coor_tan_mtx[i_main, j_main, 4] = g2
        return coor_tan_mtx

    def jacobian_mtx(self, coorsys_tanvec_mtx, row_num, col_num,\
        xi3, lag_xi1, lag_xi2, der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2):
        In this method, the Jacobian matrix is calculated. Unlike our developed
        method, in isoparametric elements, we need the director vectors at
        all nodes to iterpolate it, which is necessary for calculation of the
        derivatives of the director at a specific point. This is the reason that
        the coorsys_tanvec_matx which is calculated from 
        "coorsys_director_tanvec_allnodes" method is imported.
        A 3x3 np.array which is Jacobian matrix.
        vdir_unit = coorsys_tanvec_mtx[row_num, col_num, 2]
        g1 = coorsys_tanvec_mtx[row_num, col_num, 3]
        g2 = coorsys_tanvec_mtx[row_num, col_num, 4]
        dim = self.lobatto_pw.shape[0]
        dvdir_unit_dxi1 = np.zeros(3)
        dvdir_unit_dxi2 = np.zeros(3)
        # with open('director_unit_isoprm.dat', 'a') as du:
        #     np.savetxt(du, coorsys_tanvec_mtx[row_num, col_num, 2])
        #     # du.write('\n')
        for i in range(dim):
            for j in range(dim):
                dvdir_unit_dxi1 = dvdir_unit_dxi1 + \
                    np.array([der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * coorsys_tanvec_mtx[i, j, 2, 0],\
                            der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * coorsys_tanvec_mtx[i, j, 2, 1],\
                                der_lag_dxi1[j] * lag_xi2[i] * coorsys_tanvec_mtx[i, j, 2, 2]])
                dvdir_unit_dxi2 = dvdir_unit_dxi2 +\
                    np.array([lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * coorsys_tanvec_mtx[i, j, 2, 0],\
                        lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * coorsys_tanvec_mtx[i, j, 2, 1],\
                        lag_xi1[j] * der_lag_dxi2[i] * coorsys_tanvec_mtx[i, j, 2, 2]])
        dx_dxi1 = g1[0] + xi3/2 * self.thk * dvdir_unit_dxi1[0]
        dy_dxi1 = g1[1] + xi3/2 * self.thk * dvdir_unit_dxi1[1]
        dz_dxi1 = g1[2] + xi3/2 * self.thk * dvdir_unit_dxi1[2]
        dx_dxi2 = g2[0] + xi3/2 * self.thk * dvdir_unit_dxi2[0]
        dy_dxi2 = g2[1] + xi3/2 * self.thk * dvdir_unit_dxi2[1]
        dz_dxi2 = g2[2] + xi3/2 * self.thk * dvdir_unit_dxi2[2]
        dx_dxi3 = 1/2 * self.thk * vdir_unit[0]
        dy_dxi3 = 1/2 * self.thk * vdir_unit[1]
        dz_dxi3 = 1/2 * self.thk * vdir_unit[2]
        # dx_dxi1 =  dvdir_unit_dxi1[0]
        # dy_dxi1 =  dvdir_unit_dxi1[1]
        # dz_dxi1 =  dvdir_unit_dxi1[2]
        # dx_dxi2 =  dvdir_unit_dxi2[0]
        # dy_dxi2 =  dvdir_unit_dxi2[1]
        # dz_dxi2 =  dvdir_unit_dxi2[2]
        # dx_dxi3 = vdir_unit[0]
        # dy_dxi3 = vdir_unit[1]
        # dz_dxi3 = vdir_unit[2]
        jac = np.array(((dx_dxi1, dy_dxi1, dz_dxi1),(dx_dxi2, dy_dxi2, dz_dxi2),\
               (dx_dxi3, dy_dxi3, dz_dxi3)))    
        return jac 
    def area(self):
        '''This function is only for the test of the 
        validity of derivatives of mapping and jacobian'''
        node_coor  = self.nodes_physical_coordinate()
        coorsys_tanvec_mtx = self.coorsys_director_tanvec_allnodes()
        dim = self.lobatto_pw.shape[0]
        local_area = 0
        for i in range(dim):
            xi2 = self.lobatto_pw[i, 0]
            w2 = self.lobatto_pw[i, 1]
            lag_xi2 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
            der_lag_dxi2 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)   
            for j in range(dim):
                xi1 = self.lobatto_pw[j, 0]
                w1 = self.lobatto_pw[j, 1]
                lag_xi1 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                der_lag_dxi1 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                jac_mtx = self.jacobian_mtx( coorsys_tanvec_mtx, i, j, 0, lag_xi1, lag_xi2, der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2)
                vector_1 = jac_mtx[0,:]
                vector_2 = jac_mtx[1,:]
                local_area = local_area +\
                    np.linalg.norm((np.cross(vector_1,vector_2)))* w1 * w2
        return  local_area 
    def volume(self, number_gauss_point):
        '''This function is only for the test of the 
        validity of derivatives of mapping and jacobian'''
        node_coor  = self.nodes_physical_coordinate()
        coorsys_tanvec_mtx = self.coorsys_director_tanvec_allnodes()
        dim = self.lobatto_pw.shape[0]
        gauss_pw_nparray = np.array(esm.gauss_pw[number_gauss_point-2])
        dim_gauss = gauss_pw_nparray.shape[0] 
        local_volume = 0
        for i in range(dim):
            xi2 = self.lobatto_pw[i, 0]
            w2 = lobatto_pw[i, 1]
            lag_xi2 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)
            der_lag_dxi2 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi2)   
            for j in range(dim):
                xi1 = self.lobatto_pw[j, 0]
                w1 = lobatto_pw[j, 1]
                lag_xi1 = esm.lagfunc(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                for k in range(dim_gauss):
                    xi3 = gauss_pw_nparray[k, 0]
                    w3 =gauss_pw_nparray[k, 1]
                    der_lag_dxi1 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(self.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                    jac_mtx = self.jacobian_mtx( coorsys_tanvec_mtx, i, j, xi3,\
                        lag_xi1, lag_xi2, der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2)
                    local_volume = local_volume +\
                        np.linalg.det(jac_mtx)* w1 * w2 * w3
        return  local_volume 

if __name__=="__main__":
    thk = 0.5
    data = exchange.import_json("double-curved-free-form_5B.json") #curved_beam_lineload_2.json double-curved-free-form.json
    nurbs_surface = sgs.SurfaceGeo(data, 0, thk)
    lobatto_pw_all = esm.lbto_pw("node_weight_all.dat")
    i_main = 9
    if i_main == 1:
        lobatto_pw = lobatto_pw_all[1:3,:]
        index = np.argwhere(lobatto_pw_all==i_main)
        lobatto_pw = lobatto_pw_all[index[0, 0] + 1:\
                            index[0, 0] + (i_main+1) +1, :]
    node_1_ub = 0
    node_1_vb = 0
    node_3_ub = 1
    node_3_vb = 1
    surf_lag = SurfaceGeneratedSEM(nurbs_surface, lobatto_pw, node_1_ub,\
                  node_1_vb, node_3_ub, node_3_vb)
    coorsys_tanvec_mtx = surf_lag.coorsys_director_tanvec_allnodes()
    dim = lobatto_pw.shape[0]
    xi3 = 0
    with open("jacobian_isoprm.dat", "w") as f:
    for i in range(dim):
            xi2 = surf_lag.lobatto_pw[i, 0]
            w2 = surf_lag.lobatto_pw[i, 1]
            lag_xi2 = esm.lagfunc(surf_lag.lobatto_pw, xi2)
            der_lag_dxi2 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(surf_lag.lobatto_pw, xi2)   
            for j in range(dim):
                xi1 = surf_lag.lobatto_pw[j, 0]
                w1 = surf_lag.lobatto_pw[j, 1]
                lag_xi1 = esm.lagfunc(surf_lag.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                der_lag_dxi1 = esm.der_lagfunc_dxi(surf_lag.lobatto_pw, xi1)
                jac_mtx = surf_lag.jacobian_mtx( coorsys_tanvec_mtx, i, j, xi3,\
                    lag_xi1, lag_xi2, der_lag_dxi1, der_lag_dxi2)
                with open ('jacobian_isoprm.dat', 'a') as jac_file:
                    np.savetxt(jac_file, jac_mtx)
    # print(surf_lag.thk)
    #  print(surf_lag.nodes_physical_coordinate())
    # node_coor = surf_lag.nodes_physical_coordinate()
    # print(surf_lag.coorsys_director_tanvec_allnodes())
    # print(surf_lag.area())
    # print(surf_lag.volume(2))
    # print('End')